Cole Kepro International is a customer service dedicated state-of-the-art sheet metal design and fabrication company. We are committed to providing the highest quality products, services, and experiences for your company’s needs. Cole Kepro is 100% supportive of all opportunities for innovation in the industries we are proud to represent. As a leading gaming cabinet manufacturer we have upright video gaming cabinets , sit down gaming cabinets and our XVR Hybrid gaming cabinets available, Cole Kepro has also achieved Zero Landfill manufacturing with all of our plant fabrication waste being recycled. We have also begun replacing our shop lighting with high efficiency overhead lighting.

Featured Products
Cole Kepro introduces the 7928-49 XVR Evolver™ Cabinet at the 2022 G2E show
The much anticipated 7928-49 XVR Evolver™ cabinet, is available with a UHD 49” LCD that has perimeter lighting and PCAP touchscreen. The ergonomic button panel area is designed to accept an LCD button deck as well as conventional buttons. The 7928-49 XVR Evolver™ Cabinet will be showcased during the 2022 G2E show

Not all the lockers in the world… just the world’s finest. American Locker is the newest acquisition of CKI, and represents over 100 years of American Made quality locker and mailbox products. There is no other comparable substitute to meet your storage needs. The Orange Key has a reputation that spans generations and will continue into the future.

Design & Fabrication Service
Cole Kepro provides turnkey engineering design services using the most current Solidworks programs and modeling capabilities. With that design, we engage our state of the art fabrication facility to turn the concept into a reality.
Cole Kepro International kiosk and cabinet line up
Cole Kepro Kiosk lineup
Cole Kepro Gaming cabinet lineup