
March 2015



North Las Vegas, NV – Cole Kepro International, LLC, a designer and manufacturer of highly engineered and innovative sheet metal products and gaming cabinets announced today the opening of its new Dallas based facility for conducting operations resulting from its recent acquisition of assets of American Locker Group, Inc.

This new facility located at 700 Freeport Parkway in Coppell, Texas will be the home for the American Locker fabrication and assembly sequences for locks and locking mechanisms. Comprised of 14,000 square feet of manufacturing space and managed by Dan Nohr of Cole Kepro International, this efficient lock shop will incorporate all sales and administrative support for the entire American Locker product line, as well as providing for engineering and IT support services. In total the facility employs over 30 dedicated team members in many different professional capacities.
About Cole Kepro International, LLC
Cole Kepro International, LLC is an industry leader and global supplier of fully engineered sheet metal solutions. Cole Kepro International offers turn-key results for partners requiring products as diverse as gaming cabinets, kiosks, safes, lockers, and mailboxes

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. Its commitment to customers ensures quality, service, and price are always the cornerstone of execution. Cole Kepro International, LLC is a partnership of Cole Industries, Inc. and Kepro International Company Ltd. of Taiwan.

About American Locker
American Locker is a leading manufacturer of secure storage, distribution and inventory management solutions. Established over 75 years ago, its proprietary offerings range from classic coin/token operated security lockers and employee/personal lockers to keyless and electronic controlled storage systems. These products provide the necessary storage capability to recreation, government, postal, and general corporate needs for day to day business operations.

Frederick A Cook, Jr., Chief Executive Officer
Cole Kepro International, LLC
(702) 633-4270
